Welcome to our Spring 2025 season! Check the concert calendar here!

Virtual Submissions

Applicants for Performance Membership who wish to submit virtual video audition materials should follow the format and submission guidelines listed below.

Please note: You can only audition virtually for the Solo & Chamber Music Program or for the Avanti Orchestra. The Arioso Chorale is not accepting virtual auditions.

Technical Guidelines

Submission Procedure

  1. Candidates auditioning via digital video(s) are required to provide an electronic copy of the score for each piece performed. Links to scores, such as those found at, or PDF scans are accepted.
  2. Use the best quality video and audio recording devices possible. The performance of each individual composition presented should be recorded as if one is at a live audition. In other words, there should be only one “take” with no editing. Full face, instrument and bowing arm (if applicable) should be clearly visible in the video at all times. For pianists, at least half of the face, both arms, and keyboard should be visible at all times; complete side view of performer onstage with view of pedals preferred.
  3. When the applicant starts recording, he/she should:
    • State his/her full name and the performance category he/she is auditioning for;
    • State the current date and time.
  4. Once the applicant has stated the required information at the start of the recording, he/she can proceed with recording his/her selections, following all rules as stated above.
  5. At the conclusion of the performance part of the audition the applicant should announce, “I have reached the end of my audition” and restate his/her name. Video and audio recorders may be turned off at this time.
  6. After applicant completes the video audition recording, he/she should post the audition video on YouTube (or other streaming platform of the candidate’s choice) using the technical guidelines, then submit an online application.

Solo & Chamber Music Audition Requirements

For more information on audition requirements for Solo & Chamber Performance Members, please visit the Solo & Chamber Auditions Page.

In some cases, videos prepared for other purposes may be suitable for Friday Morning Music Club auditions. Prospective applicants should consult with the Auditions Chair to determine if their videos are acceptable.

Apply Online

Avanti Orchestra Audition Requirements

Interested musicians should consult the Avanti Orchestra Page for specific audition requirements.

Apply Online

*The Friday Morning Music Club reserves the right to ask for an in-person audition.