Welcome to our Spring 2025 season! Check the concert calendar here!


Associate Pianists Group

The FMMC Associate Pianists Group was started in the early 1950’s as a rehearsal group for performances at the Tuesday Afternoon Teas. By the 1960’s it developed into a performance group where pianists who were members of the FMMC could perform for each other in an informal, friendly, and supportive social atmosphere.

The group meets on the first Monday of the month, 10 months of the year, rotating among members’ homes for the performance of solo, duet, and two-piano music. (Some, but not all, homes can accommodate two-piano performance.) Meetings start at 10:30 am. There is no meeting in January or August. If the first Monday of the month is a holiday, the meeting is generally held the following Monday. Members of the Associate Pianists must be FMMC members.

Each meeting has a host (the member at whose home the meeting is held) and a co-host. Since not every member’s home can easily accommodate a large group, these members may serve as co-host. Following the performances, attendees join in a very informal luncheon at which each has brought a sandwich to share, and the host and co-host provide salad, dessert, coffee, and tea. Meeting dates are listed in the Yearbook calendar.


Associate Pianists Group Chair

Click here for the meeting schedule.

Music-at-Home Piano Groups

The Club’s Music-at-Home Piano Groups gather in homes for music and refreshments. These groups are open to both Associate and Performance Members. Each has around a dozen members and meets monthly from September to June with six or eight members present at each meeting.

Currently, there are three groups, each with its own traditions and membership mix. Pianists interested in joining a group should contact the group chair for information about openings. New groups can be formed as the need arises.

To form a new group, members should consult the current Chairs to learn about how they operate and write to for assistance in finding other interested players, as well as instructions on how to announce the group through the Newsletter and the Yearbook.


Click here for the meeting schedule.