Welcome to our Spring 2025 season! Check the concert calendar here!

Chamber Performance Guidelines

Please note that if more than one member of a chamber ensemble is auditioning, each member applies as an individual and must pay the $30 deposit, and each is judged individually according to standards applicable to his or her instrument and its role in the ensemble.

Chamber Piano/Piano with Other Instrument(s)

Candidates shall appear with one or more instruments in the performance of chamber works. Three contrasting periods must be represented. A major (multi-section) work from the recognized performance literature shall be performed in its entirety, plus two additional movements or pieces from contrasting styles or periods. Music may be used. The candidate must arrange for all additional performers needed.

Duo-Piano & Four-Hand Piano

Candidates shall perform three major compositions from contrasting periods and styles (chosen from original duo-piano and four-hand piano literature). One composition must be in long form, such as sonata or variation. Music may be used. Concertos and accompanied pieces are not acceptable. Individual candidates wishing to audition for this category must arrange for the second performer.

Vocal Accompanist (piano)

Candidates must prepare, with a singer, three works from contrasting periods and styles. The candidate must provide judges with one copy of the score for each work presented. The candidate must arrange for the participation of a singer in the audition.

Other Instruments (not keyboard)

Candidates must perform one major (multi-section) work from the recognized performance literature for instrumental duo (not with piano) or larger chamber ensemble plus two additional movements or pieces from contrasting styles or periods. Trios and larger ensembles may include piano, and works for ensembles of more than one size may be presented as long as each candidate for membership is heard in all three selections. Each player’s part must be of sufficient scope to provide a firm basis for assessing the player’s capabilities.