Our 2024-25 season starts up in September! Stay tuned!

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With our members’ generous support—as volunteers and as donors—the Friday Morning Music Club has thrived for over 130 years. We trust that you believe in our wide-ranging Club and all it does to bring music lovers and musicians together to share their enthusiasm for listening and performing across the DC area, free of charge. Both the FMMC and the FMMC Foundation encourage and support emerging young musical careers through our local and international competitions, a vital means of keeping classical music alive.

All of this is made possible through our members’ voluntary efforts—the heart and soul of our programs and accomplishments—but of course there are also considerable costs. Our membership dues cover only 7 percent of this year’s estimated budget. Thus, we rely heavily on donations to keep us going.

If you believe in our mission, please support our artistic and educational programs by giving to FMMC, the FMMC Foundation, and the various programs. We offer a choice of ways to contribute, listed below.  You can donate directly to the Friday Morning Music Club, or through the Combined Federal Campaign.

Please contact the FMMC Treasurer at with any questions.

Contribute to our annual fund.

Whether your contribution is large or small, we are very grateful! Tiered Donors are listed in the FMMC newsletter, on the FMMC website, and in programs at our major concerts.

Make a planned gift.

Planned giving combines financial, estate and charitable planning—with a focus on meeting your personal goals and needs. It enables you to give from your assets, often with significant tax benefits. Planned giving can help you generate predictable income during your lifetime and preserve your wealth for your family while sustaining the Friday Morning Music Club for generations to come.

Become a corporate sponsor

Your sponsorship includes advertising space in our annual yearbook, logo placement on our website and programs, recognition in our newsletter, and more!

Sponsor a concert.

Show your support by sponsoring a concert or series of concerts put on by FMMC members.

Give stocks and securities.

Make an impact on FMMC while also making a larger impact on your taxes!

The Friday Morning Music Club is supported by annual dues, special gifts of its members, and bequests to its Endowment Fund. The Friday Morning Music Club, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.