Welcome to our 2024-25 season! Check the calendar here!

Ross-Roberts Competition for High School Woodwind, Brass & Percussion


The Ross-Roberts Competition for High School Woodwind, Brass & Percussion accepts online applications only. If you have any questions or difficulties with applying online, please reach out to

Option A: Performance Video. YouTube (unlisted) or Google Drive. Do not identify yourself. Before playing each piece, state the title of the work and the composer. The pieces may be recorded separately and combined into a single video.

Option B: Perform Live with your own accompanist (or no accompanist).

Option C: Perform Live with an accompanist provided by FMMC. That morning, you will have a 30-minute rehearsal with the accompanist.

Upload a PDF of your score, including accompaniment if any.
Upload a PDF of your score, including accompaniment if any.
Upload a PDF of your score, including accompaniment if any.
Price: $45.00